Photo of Pablo Goldenberg Chile

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Paul Goldenberg Perelman.
Santiago de Chile / March 4 / 1951

Fine Arts, University of Chile.
Graphic Design, University of Chile.
Visual Communication, Catholic University of Chile.
Applied Arts, College of Arts and Crafts, University of Chile.

1958 - Children's Painting Competition Parque Forestal, Chile.
1967 - Watercolours "La Primavera", Pioneer Hall,...

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43.31 x 35.43 in
43.31 x 35.43 in
43.31 x 35.43 in
47.24 x 35.43 in
70.87 x 59.06 in
59.06 x 51.18 in
43.31 x 35.43 in
43.31 x 35.43 in
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Paul Goldenberg Perelman.
Santiago de Chile / March 4 / 1951

Fine Arts, University of Chile.
Graphic Design, University of Chile.
Visual Communication, Catholic University of Chile.
Applied Arts, College of Arts and Crafts, University of Chile.

1958 - Children's Painting Competition Parque Forestal, Chile.
1967 - Watercolours "La Primavera", Pioneer Hall, Beijing, China.
1971 - Collective Facilities-Happening, "Georgia." Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile.
1972 - Northern Chile Cultural Exchange (Toconao). School Toconao / Museo de Bellas Artes, Chile.
1972 - III International VIEXPO. Chilean flag.
1972 - Stained Glass Design Building UNCTAD income ceiling.
1973 - Collective Traveling Chilean plastic. Tren de la Solidaridad, Chile's main cities.
1975 - "Speech & Graphics" Vermeer Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1976 - "Oil Pastels, Gallery House Palermo, Buenos Aires Argentina.
1977 - "Showcase." CAYC (Center for Art and Communication) Mixed Media, Performance, video installation. Argentina.
1978 - International Meeting "Mail Arts." Bogotá Colombia.
1980 - Encuentro de Arte Joven, Instituto Cultural de Las Condes. Santiago, Chile.
1981 - Art Trade, Industry, Municipality of Las Condes. Santiago, Chile.
1981 - Meeting of Artists in the Third World. Amnesty International. Geneva, Switzerland.
1982 - Meeting of "Art / Commerce / Industry, Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
1982 - "Balance" Contemporary Art Gallery, Plaza Mulato Gil. Santiago, Chile.
1983 - "Happy Copy of Eden" Galería SUR, Santiago Chile,
1984 - Information / Reality / Representation. "That does not happen to you for a ride" Installation, South Gallery. Santiago.
1984 - Meeting Art Collective "Punta del Este." Uruguay.
1984 - "Tribute to the Surrealists, French, Chilean Institute of Culture. Chile
1984 - "Homeless", Museum of Fine Arts Quinta Vergara Viña del Mar, Chile.
1984 - "Horizon Burns", Maitland, Puchuncaví, Chile.
1985 - "Missing" Art Action, Playa Aguas Blancas, Maitland, Chile.
1985 - "The Pan." Gallery SUR, Santiago. Chile.
1986 - "The small format", Galería SUR, Santiago Chile.
1986 - Meeting of "Graphic Art", Barcelona Spain.
1986 - "Autorretrautos" collective intervention, call Agnes Pauline Gallery SUR, Santiago Chile.
1987 - Cement bag Polpaico intervention. Instituto Cultural de las Condes. Chile.
1987 - "The Work and Lack, call Prealc / ILO, United Nations. Honorable Mention.
1987 - "Final Judgement" ("the deranged"). Silk Screen Printing Intervention Project in the Sistine Chapel frescoes. Chilean Cultural Institute / German. Goethe Institut. Santiago Chile.
1987 - "Common Culture." Billboards / Mixed Media. Draft sent to the Vatican on the occasion of the visit of Pope John Paul II to Chile.
1987 - "Happy Vanity" (Christmas), Plastic Three Gallery, Santiago Chile.
1988 - "Chuchicamata: open pit mine the world's largest." Codelco / Mc Graw Hill, Santiago, San Francisco. Chile, USA
1988 - Fourth Creation Contest Plastic Valparaiso, Chile.
1988 - Third Meeting of Art. Quito Chamber of Commerce. Ecuador.
1989 - "Vereda Tropical." Superintendency of Banks Chamber, Quito, Ecuador.
1991 - "Habeas Corpus" Kingman room, House of Ecuadorian Culture. Quito, Ecuador.
1992 - VIII Bienal de Arte Iberoamaricana. "Encounter between two cultures" to mark the 500 years since the discovery of America. Traveling in Mexico City and by the Spanish-speaking countries. Mexico. Honorable Mention
1992 - "From My Window." Contemporary Art Gallery. Quito, Ecuador.
1993 - "From air to air." Guayasamin Foundation. Quito, Ecuador.
1994 - "Parole" (spots, flecks, patches), Colegio de Arquitectos de Pichincha, Painting, Installation Art Action. Quito Ecuador.
1994 - "The House by the Window", Open House, Quito, Ecuador.
1994 - "Green Green, I love" Painting facilities, and paints Ecoart with Indigenous Tigua Cotopaxi, Ecuador. New Plastic Gallery (Isabel Aninat) Santiago, Chile.
1995 - "Painting Painting, Municipal City Hall, Mobile, Alabama. USA
1997 - Latin American Artists in Australia. Collective. Sydney, Melbourne, Australia.
1998 - Latin American Artists in England. Traveling Expo. England, United Kingdom.
2002 - "Storia de'lArte Veritas," Public Roads, (Ecuador / Chile) Giant Prints. Contemporary Art Gallery Quito, Ecuador, La Canasta Maitland Art Gallery.
2006 - "High Tide", Gallery La Canasta Maitencillo V Region, Chile
2008 - "Intimate and neat," Galeria "La Canasta, Maitland, V Region Chile.
2009 - "These havens" Taller del Mar, Chile Maitencillo V Region, Chile.

- Assistant Central Workshop of Graphic Expression, School of Design, University of Chile.
- Assistant, Communication Workshop. Prof. Hernán Guerra. Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Professor of extracurricular workshops. Maitland and Puchuncaví. Chile.
- Chair Professor. IACC Central Workshop (Institute of Art and Science of Communication). Chile.
- Professor of Theory of Color, CLADESI, Quito, Ecuador.
- Professor of "Form and Space", CLADESI, Quito, Ecuador.
- Professor of Applied Creativity. UNIACC, Chile.
- Professor of Applied Creativity Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile.

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